Welcome to my Blog!

So many of my friends have said to me, "Betty, you should have a Blog, it's so easy to do".

Here's my attempt at Blogging. My name is Betty (aka Scottie), I'm from North Carolina. I've been involved in a variety crafts over the years, computer crafts, machine embroidery. I enjoy making cards, boxes, bags and items for the home. Here you will find some of my projects (past and present).

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Here's the picture of the other project that I mentioned in my previous post today. Seems like I'm on a roll. I don't think I have created so many new projects as I have the last few days in an extremely long time.


Anonymous said...

Ma'am your mojo has DEFINATEY returned!!!! All of these pieces are GORGEOUS ma'am!!!!! I love them ALLLLLLLLL

Max said...

Ooooh these are so lovely. I am seeing more and more how versatile the spellbinders dies are.

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